Wanted to capture this on my leadership journey site and as a way of refreshing the content here. I’ve been working hard on the school site and my community feed at Zimplicity to provide everyone with the information they need during our fight with the current pandemic. Statistics relative to our work and the FAQ of the whole approach are readily accessible there, but I also wanted to attach it here.
As a result of this white paper, Dr. Oleszczuk and co-authors included, we’ve now been in contact with Dr. Mina, the guru of testing as a critical approach to the management of the crisis while vaccines are rolling out. His latest here:
Much of his background thinking has guided our insights and we ahve continued to follow his work as it develops. As a result of his work and others, we see CDC guidelines starting to develop along these lines and rightfully so. The science supports these protocols and efficacy of a managed approach to avoiding the blunt force trauma of closures in favor of a more methodical swiss cheese model of protection:
All of this has been an exercise in weaving leadership with good policy development that is matched to our goals. Functionally adaptive approaches have helped us to remain open as a school despite closures around us. The result is education continues relentlessly and deliberately in a safe and supportive environment. I welcome comment!