Weekly Newsletter – March 22


Greetings from deep within Africa.  As I write this we are packing for our trek from Botswana to Zimbabwe.  We’ve had a lovely sojourn here in Pandamatenga and are all very sad to leave this wonderful village and country.  Earlier today as the sun was setting in the sky, we said goodbye to the village kids.   At dinner tonight and afterward sitting around the fire, the feelings flowed and the conversation centered on our experiences during the first half of our trip.  We all met special children that we will miss.  We learned much, and our hearts were touched by each person we encountered.  We will all have tales to tell upon our return.

I note with sorrow the events of recent days in Istanbul and Brussels that have us all devastated and thoughtful about safety in the world again.  Our thoughts are with the families and friends of those who lost their lives, and our prayers go out to those who were injured in the terrorist attacks.   Please know that the team in Moscow and our chaperones on all of our trips continue to assure the safety of our students, whether in Moscow or traveling far afield.  We have all the necessary protocols in place to keep our kids safe, and we monitor the advice of all relevant authorities to assure prudent decisions where warranted.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us as needed.