Posts by Jon Zurfluh:

The Importance of Sleep

The Importance of Sleep

At our most recent parent forum on technology, we discussed, as one of the many topics, the important aspect of sleep and the implications of technology to disrupt healthy sleep patterns. I’m going to attempt to compile here a set of the various resources that can help clarify the research on sleep and sleep habits. In […]

Christmas Message 2014

Christmas Message 2014

Dear Parents, In my many years working as an educator, I can’t begin to count the number of times I have learned important lessons from the children in my charge. Such was the case yesterday when a staff member shared the story of a student interaction that had just happened in our hallways. Two 3rd […]

Parent & Community Partnership Presentation

Parent & Community Partnership Presentation

We had the first Director’s forum on September 3rd, and follow-up with PTO meeting this morning, September 16th.  The slides from that presentation below.  Our purpose in these forums is to get a sense of how we can better serve the community outside the walls of the school.  While our discipline legitimately cannot go there, […]

Showing Our Support

Showing Our Support

Staff at the Anglo-American School of Moscow took a moment to stand together in a vigil in support of our colleagues at the Jakarta International School.  We take strong exception to the lack of transparency and due process in claims against two teachers.  Given the lack of any evidence, incarceration of these two individuals now reaching beyond […]

Ukraine Update #3

Ukraine Update #3

Dear Family, Friends, and Staff of the Anglo-American School, Welcome back from Spring Break.  We hope the holiday was refreshing, filled with renewal and engaged family time! In keeping with prior messages, I wanted to get an update out just after the break with the most recent information and to attend to current serious matters […]

Ukraine Update #2

Ukraine Update #2

Dear AAS Community and CEESA Friends, I’d like to provide an update regarding the political situation in the Crimea and Ukraine and the effect it may have on our school community. Since my last email to all on March 3, 2014, little has changed for the school¹s normal operation.  In the days leading up to […]

Ukraine Update #1

Ukraine Update #1

Dear Family, Friends, and Staff of the Anglo-American School, The purpose of this letter is to provide important information regarding recent events in the region that may be causing you some level of concern.  As you may already know, the situation in the Ukraine is very fluid at this time.  It is important to note […]

Director’s Challenge

Director’s Challenge

Thank you to all families who Contributed as a Globally Aware Citizen by participating in the Building Botswana Director’s Challenge! We have reached our goal of 20 families “taking the challenge”. The 2013-2014 Director’s Challenge is now closed. Started by the Prozorovo Village Tractor Campaign two years ago, the Director’s Challenge is a program that encourages adults […]



At our recent parent coffee, we discussed the important findings in the 2009 book by Bronson and Merryman entitled “NurtureShock.”  Our focus was on the first chapter where we discussed the new research on praise and what, at least in North America, has been a trend to utilize indiscriminate praise to bolster self-esteem since the […]

Sandy Hook Elementary Tragedy

Sandy Hook Elementary Tragedy

Dear Parents, Last Friday’s tragic school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut has caused many to stop and think in the awful aftermath of this significant loss.  As an educator, I feel an extra degree of sadness when confronted with the death of so many children.  While we shoulder many tragedies through […]